is an event held as a way to find the representative from UPN Veteran
Yogyakarta (Petroleum Engineering, Geophysics Engineering, and Geology
Engineering) for IC competition that will be held on February. There will be a
selection in form of small competition resembling with IC format. During the
pre-IC, guest lecture will be held. It talks much about technical issue in
petroleum industry and also soft skills aspect in supporting the development of
human resources in building career in petroleum industry.
National Seminary
The theme
of this national seminary is “Rising Deepwater Offshore Oilfield Development”.
This Seminary will discuss about the challenge of development oil and gas
industry at deepwater offshore in Indonesia concern about planning, processing, technology, policy, and economics aspect that refers to the
rules made by Government. Hopefully with this occasion could increase the
knowledge of students (participant) about exploration and development at
Welcome Party
Party is an event intended to welcome the participants of intellectual
competition that consists of POD Competition, Smart Competition, and Paper
Contest then will be continued with technical meeting to inform participants
about the rules of competitions. The aims of this event is to make
communications between participants, juries and professionals who involves.
4. Student Competition
Competition is an event for student of petroleum engineering around Asia
Pacific that consists of Plan Development Competition, Paper Competition, and
Smart Competition.
5. Company’s Day
and gas industry is a well developed industry which is always need a high
quality of human resource. Therefore, students must be capable and ready to
compete each other in order to meet the demand of workers in oil and gas
industry. To compete each other in this industry, college student must have
both intellectual or soft skills. Intellectual
can be obtained from learning in campus or achievement of competition that the
student had made. Furthermore, this also can be seen by their own mark in the
college. Since of that, the Intellectual of student is an important thing to
developed. Beside
the intellectual, there is another thing that also important for student to
have a high quality of human resource. This thing called “softskill”. Softskill
refers to the ability of the student to work. Moreover, the student’s softskill
can be seen by their teamwork, their ability to work underpressure and etc. Throughout
those reasons, 2014 OGIP make an event
which is called Company’s Day. Through this event, We believe that college
students can be motivated to increase their capability of their softskill or
their intellectual in order to meet the demand of workers in Oil and Gas
Industry. And also, this event gives the company a good opportunity to present
all about its company.
Social Activity and Gathering
Although we have lot of activities about
intellectual part, we also have some activities for the participants of 2014
OGIP and committees. OGIP gathering and social activities will be started with
having vacation at a village, all the participants and committees will get some
short lecture about farming, and then they will do farming on rice field. We
hope from this unique activity will give a new experience for all the
participants and they can get know each other. After they do the farming, the
participants will get some plenty of time to get rest and get dress for the
next activity. After the farming, we will continue the event with batik
lecture. The participants will be taught to do batik. After the lecture they
will do some batik for their practice and the rest of batik can be brought by
participants as their souvenir from 2014 OGIP. We hope this souvenir will be a
great one, because the souvenirs will be made by themselves, and it can be a
great memory about 2014 OGIP. And we hope to do a gerabah practice, and they
will get some knowledge about arts and culture about Indonesia. This will be a
great experience for all of the participants where they will get a great
opportunities to do some unique activities and they can also learn about art
and culture of Indonesia.
Exhibition in 2014 OGIP series
is held in conjunction with the Panel Discussion and Poster Competition. The
objective of the exhibition is to facilitate the society, especially in
Yogyakarta area, to know better about the world of oil and related companies,
so companies involved in this exhibition can educate community and students in
Yogyakarta area. In addition, the exhibition is to facilitate companies in oil
and gas and geothermal industry to simplify the procedure of recruitment of
human resources that could potentially present in this event. The company will
take part in this exhibition is oil and service company in oil and gas and geothermal
Panel Discussion
Speaking about
the world's energy industry, will never escape from competition and the race to
get the most energy benefits both economically and the energy that can fullfill
the needs of the people for a long time or often called as sustainable energy. Although
the fossil energy source like oil is still being favorite in all countries in
the world, can not be denied again that the world energy industry already began
to turned their attention to the unconventional energy, the race started in the
search for new, more clean energy as well as beneficial in various aspects.
Superpowers such as the United States had already started to develop new and
unconventional energy, such as Shale gas, and have been successful in their
efforts. Our country, Indonesia, also did not want to lag behind in this
competition, as a country that is said to have great potential in terms of
unconventional energy, Indonesia has started to answer this challenge with the
development of Shale Gas in Indonesia “Rising Clean Gas Energy Role for
Green Future”, that we addopted as themes of Panel Discussion aims to
disenchant energy industry in indonesia that now its time to change and
developed for obtaining more guaranteed life in the future.
Golf Meet and Share
This event is oriented for professional in petroleum industry. In this golf meet and share, a lot of expertise from many companies will gather and show their capabilities in playing golf. This event is intended as ice breaking or refreshing for professional who follow the panel discussion one day before.
This event is oriented for professional in petroleum industry. In this golf meet and share, a lot of expertise from many companies will gather and show their capabilities in playing golf. This event is intended as ice breaking or refreshing for professional who follow the panel discussion one day before.
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