2014 OGIP
“Rising Green Oil and Gas Energy for Green Future”
OGIP stands
for Oil and Gas Intellectual Parade which mean the event consist of series of
activities that related the parade of intellectual. OGIP is oriented of
students of petroleum engineering around Asia Pacific, Professional in oil gas
and geothermal industry and general. OGIP is an annual program of Student Unit
of Petroleum Engineering Department UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta in cooperation
with SPE-SC UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta, SM-IATMI UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta which
has been held in the previous period. The first OGIP has been held in 2009
which name is PETRONOVOO, the second has been held in 2011 which name is 2011
OGIP, the third has been held in 2012 which name is 2012 OGIP, and the fourth
has been held in 2013 which name is 2013 OGIP . In this year Student Unit of
Petroleum Engineering Department UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta will present this
activity as a continuation of the previous year which name is 2014 OGIP.
2014 OGIP will
consist of plenty event which start from December 2013 until February 2014. The
series of the event will be opened with National Seminary in December 2013.
Next event will be held on February 2014, they are: Paper Competition, Plan of
Development Competition, Smart Student Competition, Poster Student Competition,
Company’s Day, Gathering, Social Activity, Exhibition, Panel Dicussion, and
Golf Meet & Share. Our big hope with the convening of this activity may
provide the place for student, professional, and society as general to discuss
and make a mutualism symbiosis.
The theme of
2014 OGIP is “Rising Green Oil and
Gas Energy for Green Future”. This theme is chosen to motivate young
generation mostly for university student to always develop theirself as breath
to actualize the green oil and gas energy for green future.
It’s mean that
rising oil and gas energy and the utilization of them should be in green
application. Therefore, we can reach the green future. With this theme,
hopefully it could be a great slogan for government and companies to take a
part and contribute on the rising green oil and gas energy for the green